Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Time for a catch-up!

Alternative angle for the Whoomp.

Fucking weirdo!


He is ridiculously drunk here, called the neighbour a cunt.

Peas in a pod, hens in the roost.

Was trying to get a mid-shot, but this funky dancestep will have to do.

Hallo Mr Concord Dawn!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Housewarming - 30/6/07

Neighbour#1 - Michelle with Errol

The funniest part of this is that there wasn't anyone behind him...

Neighbour#2 - Penno

Strange-Face with Neighbour#3 Jordan behind.

Relaxing in the den.

A Few Random Ones

Way too smiley for work.

This be our truck.

I don't think he even knew he was pulling this face.

Way too smiley for tram.

This gentleman seems far too refined for mere chicken.